In a shocking turn of events, an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of the Delhi Police, identified as Ramavtar, tragically ended his own life by shooting himself with his service revolver. The incident occurred during the night on the B.P. Marg duty in south Delhi, leaving the law enforcement community in mourning.
Ramavtar, a 1993 Delhi Police recruit and a native of Mahendergarh district, Haryana, had been serving in the force for nearly three decades.
According to police reports, the unfortunate incident transpired during the intervening night of Friday and Saturday while Ramavtar and Sub-Inspector Prem Singh were on night picket duty. The duo was stationed at B.P. Marg, diligently performing their duties.
A senior police official revealed that around 3 a.m., Ramavtar, seemingly without any prior warning signs, instructed Sub-Inspector Prem Singh to take a brief rest for 10 minutes. Subsequently, Ramavtar retreated to his parked car near the barricade.
Tragically, when Sub-Inspector Prem Singh went to check on his colleague after some time, he was met with a harrowing scene. ASI Ramavtar had taken his own life, succumbing to a self-inflicted gunshot wound from his service pistol.
The immediate response from the Delhi Police involved launching an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. The motive behind Ramavtar’s drastic step remains unclear, leaving colleagues and superiors perplexed and deeply saddened.
The Delhi Police fraternity is grappling with the loss of one of its own, as they come to terms with the shock of an on-duty officer taking such a drastic step. Counseling and support services are being made available to the colleagues and family members affected by this tragic incident.
As the investigation unfolds, the police force, as well as the community at large, will be seeking answers to understand the factors that may have contributed to this unfortunate incident.