1 min read

Kathmandu Schools Banned from Selling Uniforms and Stationery

April 5, 2024
Kathmandu Schools

Biratchowk, Nepal – The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has taken a strong stance against schools selling uniforms and stationery. The Department of Education has issued a circular expressly prohibiting both community and institutional schools from engaging in this practice, citing existing laws.

The circular, issued by Acting Department Head Saraswati Pokharel, emphasizes that schools cannot force the sale or purchase of textbooks, uniforms, and stationery used for the 2081 academic year (which corresponds to 2024/2025).

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Additionally, the circular mandates that public schools must now exclusively use textbooks developed by the Curriculum Development Center. Schools wishing to use English medium textbooks are restricted to those translated and published by the Center or others on the Center’s approved list. The KMC will not provide funding for alternative textbooks.

Institutional schools are also directed to adhere to the Curriculum Development Center’s approved textbook list.

The circular clearly outlines consequences for schools that violate these directives. Actions will be taken in accordance with the Education Act, 2028, Education Regulations 2059, Kathmandu Metropolitan City Education Act 2075, Regulations 2074, and other prevailing laws.

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