1 min read

More Fall Ill from Wild Mushrooms in Makwanpur

June 25, 2024
Mushrooms in Makwanpur

Just days after a man tragically died from consuming wild mushrooms in Makwanpur, four more people from the Chepang community have become sick after eating them.

The latest victims are from Raksirang rural municipality-8 Galwang. Bhabul Chepang, 21, fell ill along with his wife Ratimaya Chepang, their three-year-old son Samik Chepang, and Bhabul’s 18-year-old brother Purna Chepang. All four have been transported to Bharatpur for treatment.

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This follows a similar incident on Saturday in Raksirang-7, where Dal Bahadur Chepang died after consuming wild mushrooms. Members of his family are also currently undergoing treatment at Bharatpur Hospital.

These incidents highlight the dangers of consuming unidentified mushrooms. People are urged to avoid picking and eating wild mushrooms unless they can be identified as safe by a qualified expert.

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