MrBeast Upgrades Abandoned Hospital in Nepal, Improving Healthcare for 16,000

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MrBeast Nepal Hospital
Photo: Beast Philanthropy

MrBeast, the world-renowned YouTuber, has breathed new life into an abandoned hospital in Nepal’s Fikkal Rural Municipality, Sindhuli. In a recent video, MrBeast and his team documented their incredible renovation efforts, bringing hope and essential medical services to the region.

The video highlights the tragic story of Nira, a local woman who lost her child due to a lack of medical resources. This heartbreaking reality spurred MrBeast into action, leading him to collaborate with the social organization ‘Give Power’ and biomedical engineer Sanj Bahadur Singh Thakuri to transform the neglected facility.

Starting in December, the team worked tirelessly to restore the hospital, ensuring it would meet the needs of the community. Viewers witness the heartwarming change as the building shifts from a state of disrepair to a well-equipped medical center. Importantly, maternity services will now be available, a pivotal addition to the area’s healthcare.

MrBeast’s team, including member Darren Margolis, even took the time to enjoy and praise the local tea found in the Himalayan foothills. Viewers also see the team install solar panels to provide sustainable energy and donate 10 vital ‘Baby Warmer Devices’ (Nyano Nani) to the hospital.

The video concludes with the remarkable reveal of the revitalized hospital and the joyful celebration of villagers as they witness lights fill the building for the first time. An estimated 16,000 people stand to benefit from MrBeast’s extraordinary act of kindness.

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