Sakamoto Days is the shonen reformer that arrived in winter 2025. The manga work is published under the Shuēisha label, it has been published since November 2020, it is written and illustrated by Yuto Suzuki, its anime adaptation came from TMS Entertainment . Here I tell you what the season’s debut anime is about.
Currently, Sakamoto Days is published weekly every Sunday, you can read the last three episodes legally and for free here. The last published chapter is 196 and is titled “Day 196: Meeting”.
Everything you need to know about Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days, the funny and dangerous series that shows another side of the yakuza
Sakamoto Days introduces us to Taro Sakamoto, Lu Xiaotang and Shin Asakura.
Sakamoto was the most feared hitman in the underworld, however, one day he falls in love, gets married and with his wife has Hana, a beautiful baby who becomes his adoration. After this, Aoi, his partner, sets some basic rules for the management of their home, starting with the classic and expected: “thou shalt not kill.”
In this way, Sakamoto begins to live his retirement in a simple way, as a shopkeeper. However, as John Wick taught us, it is not really possible to escape from that world in such a simple way; at the end of the day, the protagonist has important information, even though he has now gained weight and has other concerns.
The different organizations will send other hitmen to assassinate him, the first is Shin, who worked for a short period of time with him. After being defeated, and seeing the new life of the expert assassin, the boy decides to help him, even if this means his own death sentence.
Shin has his own story, he was raised by an underworld researcher and in carelessness and faced with a great discovery, Shin drinks a substance that gives him a strong psychic power with which he must learn to live.
Shin joins Sakamoto’s family life, when he decides that he is not going to help kill him and that, in addition, he prefers another type of life, he becomes another kind of subordinate. Then the young Lu will join, who also seeking her head must give up.
Fuente: TMS Entertainament
Thus, several adversaries that Sakamoto will have to defeat with two conditions: 1. Without killing them, and 2. avoiding, as far as possible, Hana finding out. This will give the opportunity to see interesting situations that Sakamoto can develop.
Even though Sakamoto is chubby and loves instant noodles, when he gets serious, it seems like he burns all his calories and goes back to being the handsome and interesting hitman of the past. A great highlight that will make your battles even more interesting.
On the other hand, we will slowly be able to see that there are many things to do if Sakamoto wants to live in peace with his family, for example, he must defeat the one who put a high price on his head, even if this means that he must search for the leader of all the organizations of hired assassins, in which at the national level, there are more than 200 high-caliber enemies, who belong to different mafia groups.
Sakamoto has a lot of problems to solve! An interesting installment makes its way, and the laughs will not always be pleasant.
Sakamoto Days, what’s happening with contemporary shonen? A goodbye to dark installments like Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen?
The changes in the shonen industry are interesting, it seems that we are leaving the dark shonen and the genre is renewed with laughter and melancholy, forcing radical change and happiness in adaptation and flexibility.
The most impressive titles of the genre are structured around two complex characteristics, we find the comic and dark shonen such as Sakamoto Days and Dan Da Dan, Frieren and Dungeon Meshi, each one shows worlds full of chaos and problems, but the protagonists strive to remain firm. and change according to your new ideals.
Although the problems are very dangerous, there is no shortage of laughter, and the characters grow all the time, could it be that we are facing a new twist in the genre? This is the path left by JJK, SnK and MHA.
Fuente: TMS EntertainamentFuente: TMS EntertainamentFuente: TMS Entertainament
We recommend: Sakamoto Days: what it is about, when the anime comes out and where to read the manga.
Other paths besides Sakamoto Days?
Sakamoto Days is available on the Netflix platform, as an exclusive delivery. He will arrive every Saturday to surprise us with Sakamoto’s actions in his attempt to keep his family safe.
However, the delivery of From Yakuza to Househusband is also available on the platform, which follows Tatsu in his new life with Miku, his office partner. Both stories add the idea of reforming life and finding a path of peace after a period full of violence and suffering, although the darkness of the yakuza world dissipates, the stories manage to generate an environment that encourages meditating on the Japanese armed groups, and manage to mitigate with humor.
Other popular and much lighter releases from recent years are Tokyo Revengers, Bucchigiri! and Wind Breaker, which show us gangs of teenagers who begin to take a dangerous path, before joining or properly forming a yakuza organization. These installments add the fantasy tone that makes the stories have a distinctive touch.
We recommend: A new and better Tokyo Revengers?: Wind Breaker, everything you need to know about gang shonen.
Tokyo Revengers is a Disney Plus exclusive, and we have time travel, while Wind Breaker and Bucchigiri! They are available on the Crunchyroll platform, the first encourages us to appreciate friendship, while the second shows us a genius and the development of sexuality. Each one will make you laugh and dream in a particular way.
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